I Found the Best Way to Win at the Game of Life (easy to implement)

Eric Pannell
4 min readJul 8, 2023

I learned this from my mentor 7 years ago and doing it ever since

People don’t refer to life as a game, but I do. Here’s why….

The day you were born, there are rules and of course laws. Over the years those rules have changed which means we all must adjust how we play the game to survive.

Government policies, wages not keeping up with inflation, healthcare costs, and automation reducing job opportunities.

These are the rules that you must adjust to.

37.9 million people (in the U.S), fell below the poverty line of $27,479 for a family of four in 2021.

90.6 million people fell below “twice” the poverty line of $54,958 for a family of four during that same period.

My mentor taught me this 7 years ago, “Eric, you must master the game of life to win and avoid getting trapped.”

He also shared with me three ways to play the game and win which is what I’m going to share with you below:

  1. Practice awareness
  2. Practice extreme accountability
  3. Practice consistency and good habits

What Does The Game of Life Look Like

There are three key areas in which you need to be aware of when it comes to the rules of life.

  • Your rules (i.e. — rules you’ve created in your head)
  • Life’s rules (i.e. — the game)
  • Reality (i.e. — how your rules and life rules mesh together)

Policy changes, inflation, rising healthcare costs, jobs downsizing are a part of the rules. Those are life’s rules.

Going through the emotions, staying stagnant, relying on one income, not planning for the future, not following your purpose. These are the rules you created.

Unemployment, debt, divorce, bankruptcy, depressed, low self-esteem, and less fulfillment in life. This is your reality.

Which leads us into the first way to win the game.

Practicing Awareness

If you want to get “untrapped” or win at the game of life, you must practice awareness.

Awareness simply means becoming fully aware where you stand in the game of life. You do that in a few simple ways:

  • Take inventory of your life as it stands today
  • Who are you spending time with?
  • What financial traps have you fell into?
  • What relationships traps have you fell into?
  • What are your goals?
  • What is your fear holding you back from?

This is all a part of your journey at this stage to become full aware where you are in this game we call life.

Practicing Extreme Ownership

Many of you are fully aware of the traps you’ve fell into. The problem is you choose to ignore it like it doesn’t exist.

Sorry to tell you this, but it does… it’s real.

The idea of extreme ownership is that no one is going to come and save you, everything has happened to you by “your” design.

You created this, but it’s OK.

You’re aware now, and it’s time to own up to it. Here’s how.

  1. Acknowledge the mess you’re created.
  2. Tell someone close to you about your change.
  3. Hold yourself accountable to improve your finances, health, and own the things that will make you happy in life.

Extreme ownership is about simply saying, “everything that is happening to my is my fault and it’s up to me to fix it.”

Practice Consistency & Habits

61% of Americans are trying to break unhealthy habits developed during the pandemic.

This on top of habits from the game of life that was already keeping us trapped with things like:

  • Too much screen time (social media)
  • Bad eating habits
  • Terrible work-life balance

I get it, we all deal with some form of stress, we have to work for a living and survive.

But we also have an obligation to take control of our lives as well. This is why good habits and consistency is the key.

The game of life is going to happen regardless. Which is another way of saying life will not stop because you have goals.

So you have to develop the right habits to out-pace those rules of life to get what you want. Good habits include:

  • Protect your time: it’s more precious than money
  • Spend time with the right people
  • Learn something new that you can use everyday
  • Develop healthy and financial habits.

If you want to win in the game of life, your habits will dictate if you win at all or how big you will win.

I write about habits to live a successful life and you can find me on Twitter and LinkedIn. Check out my blog at www.ericpannell.co

Project I’m working on: I’m building the fastest and easiest way for no-code freelancers to find the work they want and earn what they want. Check it out: www.lowcoderr.com



Eric Pannell

Eric is an author, blogger, freelancer and non-tech founder. He has mastered the art of success and what that means for YOU. www.ericpannell.co