The Secret & Importance of Pressing Send

Eric Pannell
3 min readJul 23, 2023

“The secret to finding purpose and meaning in your life.”

There are around 8 billion people on this planet, and approximately 4.9 billion of those people “pressing send” on social media to date.

People press send for various reasons… leisure, business, express gratitude, divisiveness, and many other reasons.

But at a deeper level, people are pressing send out of purpose and their meaning in life.

Pressing send for me has a deeper meaning than on social media.

While going through a job layoff in 2009 as a result of the mortgage crisis, I was faced with searching for my purpose in life.

I had a young son, went through a divorce and I was a total wreck….

The one thing that I knew is I never wanted to experience this feeling ever again. Feeling vulnerable and embarrassed.

By nature, I’m sort of an introvert, so coming out of my shell expressing myself, and being vulnerable is not my thing.

To cure my negative thoughts I dove deep into books, courses, and attending networking groups about entrepreneurship.

It was there that I learned about people around the world pressing send, and being vulnerable. I’ll explain more shortly….

During this same time, I came across this quote by Henry David Thoreau that resonated with my feeling…

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.

After reading it multiple times, I felt more and more connected to it each time.

I was always taught… “go to school, focus on being a good (accepted) person, and get a good job.”

That “north star” led me to more responsibility, a job that I didn’t know how I got there, student loan debt, and eventually laid off.

…..and feeling broke.

This had me thinking…..

The notion of “pressing send” is like the next heartbeat or gasp of air for many people.

These are people posting videos to build a following, a blog post, selling a product, or building a startup.

But it all starts with the courage to press send. That feeling is at times risky, it’s vulnerable and in the beginning a struggle more many people.

Which is why many people don’t get started.

It takes courage to press send and build in public. Showing your flaws, your mistakes, and your imperfections.

In 2016 I faced this challenge. I built a startup in the health & beauty space.

I was terrified, had no idea what I was doing, and made many mistakes. But I kept pressing send… mistake after mistake, but I kept doing it.

That eventually led me to sell my first business.

Then following that starting another business, becoming a published author, selling short books, and now working on a TV script.

All through the courage of “pressing send”.

But don’t make the common mistake of either not pressing send or pressing send to judge others…

Basically, sit on the sidelines, watching others pursue their purpose or journey of mistakes.

You know… the people that like to scroll, people watch and judge others’ courage and vulnerabilities.

If you’re being totally honest and self-aware…. this could be you.

The message here is this….

You have dreams, a purpose, and aspirations. Start today by “pressing send”.

Your blog post, your video, or your startup idea. Get it out there, press send. Start by showing all of those imperfections.

You never know what difference it will make in your life, but most importantly the impact it can make on others.

Remember this if you see someone pressing send and pursuing their dreams.

Support them, it takes courage.

If this message resonates with you, I hope you will give it a clap and share it with others.

Hi, my name is Eric Pannell and I write about success habits on my blog and would love to have you there. If you’re into crime TV series, it would mean the world for you to hear about my show, The Spread. Also, if you’re a no-code freelancer or looking for help to build your project with no-code, be sure to join the Low Coderr marketplace.



Eric Pannell

Eric is an author, blogger, freelancer and non-tech founder. He has mastered the art of success and what that means for YOU.